Categories: Resume Preparation

How to Create a Cover Letter
The Cover letter

Follow these three main rules of cover letter creation to increase your chance of success.

  1. Make it short and to the point.
  2. Create a unique letter for each application.
  3. Edit and proofread carefully.

When you submit your resume to an agency or potential employer, the cover letter serves as an overview and your introduction. This is your chance to make a great first impression and let the recipient know what benefits you would bring to their company.

Use a professional cover letter whenever you apply for any position found on a print or online job board or classified site. You can consider the letter a type of marketing tool for yourself that prospective employers use to judge whether they want to know more about you or not. They are attention grabbers. One way to make this effective is to focus on your “unique selling points.” Create a cover letter that showcases your unique qualities so that potential employers will want to know more.

Since this letter goes on top of your resume, it must complement the information found in it. Avoid direct repetition, but do point out specific details relevant to the individual position you want to apply for. Start with a rough draft, ask a friend or professional colleague to review it, and then make changes and edits to create the final form. Sometimes it can be difficult to judge what information you should put in for a particular job. Do some research about similar positions online to determine what characteristics they look for in employees.

Follow this Checklist for a Professional Cover Letter

1 — Keep it on one A4 piece of paper with proper spacing.

2 — Use correct grammar and spelling. Write in a straightforward and concise manner with powerful verbs describing your capabilities. For example, if you held a position as a manager at a previous place of employment, you could use words like supervise, lead, and delegate.

3 — Always address the cover letter to a specific person in the company who is responsible for reading them and looking over resumes. Make sure to spell the person’s name correctly and use the appropriate title.

4 — Include your full name, address, telephone number, and email address.

5 — Start the letter by identifying the position you wish to apply for. Reveal where you saw the ad, any appropriate reference numbers, and the precise position title.

6 — The bulk of the letter should include a description of your abilities and experiences that coincide with the job description. The advertisement will give you clues about the type of thing to include. For example, if an ad states “We are looking for a team player with the ability to delegate jobs and organize projects,” you can focus on managerial skills, project handling, and soft skills that include socialization.

7 — After you have written an excellent letter, take plenty of time to proofread the entire thing, more than once. A company wants to hire someone who has great attention to detail and cares about correctness. Make a great first impression by delivering a perfect cover letter.

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