WorkBeam Blog

British & Japanese, Business Gift Customs

British & Japanese, Business Gift Customs

When I am living in Japan and working for a foreign company, my foreign colleagues often surprise me about Japanese souvenir and gift-giving customs. Although it is different in each country, I would like to write this months  blog about souvenir and gift-giving customs in Japan and the UK.

Casual Talk in the Workplace

Casual Talk in the Workplace

After the COVID-19 pandemic, work styles have changed drastically and teleworking has become common all over the world. We are no longer able to consult with our bosses and co-workers immediately if something goes wrong, or ask questions casually as we used to, and especially casual talk outside of work has decreased drastically. Do you think that you can communicate in a business manner by phone, e-mail or video phone, but you don't know what to talk about outside of work?

5 Differences in Working Styles in the UK and Japan

5 Differences in Working Styles in the UK and Japan

In this article, I would like to talk about the five main differences in working style between the UK and Japan in general.I hope this article will be helpful to those who are overseas and want to work in Japan, and those who are in Japan and want to work in the UK in the future.